Friday, May 02, 2008

2nd May.

I am officially in the third and the last year of my college life. Today we had our admissions. The most tedious task specially if you are a Podarite. Its administration sucks big time. Next year this time around i will hold my first degree in hand. Not even one more year left and all we friends will be on our own ways. The thought of it gives me goose bumbs!
Besides todays KMs birthday too. Happy Birthday to you pal.
Also met a friend after a long time and we all got to go out for lunch together.
I got my long due bday gift from AB n MB with a beautiful card. After reading it I actually wondered when was the last time someone ever gave me a card with a handwritten message in it. Felt good to be on the receiving end this time! This bday has been one of my most cherish able ones! No complains about that!
Exactly six months from today i'll be writing one of the most toughest of papers. My PCC exams.
So todays day was significant in many ways.


Anonymous said...

congratulations on ur admission!!
the college has to bear u for 1 more year now...hope u dont make it difficult for them!!

Sharvari said...

Ya re TY.... i want to go back to FYJC... it was nice to c u today... u seemed tired