Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Year is Done!

The year is coming to an end. only 5 more days to go n we will set foot in the bright n shining 2008.
This year was a mixed bag with many happening n many more not so happening things.
One of the happening things being Rapport Rewind 2007. The last Rapport where in we SYites could participate. and it was sure fun cos we were a handful of us taking part in almost every other event just so that we dont get negative points for not participating. In many spontaneous events we landed up bagging either of the first 3 positions and finally led to grabbing the 2nd position overall.
Last year i had blogged abt the whole of rapport. each day separately with more than required specifications.tht was special to me for certain reasons.but cudnt do it this time.
Rapport week is done n Mood I week will begin from tomorrow. I had a taste of MI last year and this time i m goona throughly enjoy it. After all its an IIT event ;)

Waiting for a new beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope the new year brings a lot of happiness and good news.......
to me that is....:P
and ya....u can also have a decent year....