Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Just Delicious!
Had the first mango of this season. I had vowed (not exactly) to not eat mangoes this season for the simple fact that i was blotting. But mangoes are simply irresistible. And more over how could i refuse to eat them when my lovely Grandpa had bought them specially just for me ( i wud think tht way;)


Anonymous said...

is that a picture of YOUR mangoes, or just magoes in general ?? can't wait to taste them....17 days to go!!!!!!! wooopie!

Anonymous said...

what a topic to write on.....im sorry i HATE mangoes!

Metallica bhakt! said...

i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mangoes too

Anonymous said...


Abha said...

REdefine the topic as lve mangoes,or hate...hehe..u can do either but cant Ignore them,there out in market.hey there's an amba mahotsav on bhagvati grounds...can see n buy mangoes of all types!

Anonymous said...

cant wait for summer to end and those stupid mangoes to disappear frm the streets...