Every one has got that dark little secret with them. The secrets which are known only to the closest of friends and a few family members. A secret which if poured out can create havoc. But I should admit one thing. The real testing time is for the ones in whom you confide. They not only have to keep your big secret but also lead you and guide you through it (if you have done a crime that is :P )
It takes time and courage to confide.
And I have deduced one thing out of this that these secrets are reveled only at nights :P
Well until a year ago i had 3 live examples to quote n support my observation. In the recent past i got one more. ;)
And also does it take the longest to confide in the closest? Let me know what do you think about it.
i support your statement....its mostly friends...closest of friends always knw what you have done or upto...
secrets revealed @ nights....well cant b so sure...secrets r revealed when needed...or digged into....
the one who takes longest to confide is most insecure abt the secret....the one who spills on day1 is one who believes in u the most....
But sometimes, in whom you confide become the closest!
Need example??? :D
It makes me more curious :) Kuch galat tho nahi kiya na tune :)
Hmm...I agree that dark secrets are revealed to closest of friends or family members.. but at night time? M not sure...
Also before confiding u need to be sure that the person u are confiding to will not judge you on what you are about to say...that s/he will treat you the same way s/he does before and after :)
Saurabh, true that the one who spills the secret on the very day believes in you completely. But i have also come to know that it is very difficult to actually open up and lay the facts in front of your close ones specially if it concerns them too.
Else if it does not involve them then they are undoubtedly the first one. ;)
Nands, agree with you.
Suresh, dont worry i havnt dont anything worh raising that eyebrow of yours ;)
Yeah and about the "perfect timing" of revealing the secret its my observation that its done mostly at the time of dawn. Revisit your past may be u guys will also find something to support this. Because i don't remember any friend of mine calling me in broad day light and revealing secrets. I guess the fun, the depth, or should i say the melodrama in it all finds more gravity when the sun god has set ;)
Mohit, very true. Thats why sometimes the closest are the last ones to know. Just because a lot of thought goes into how and what will the other person think.
y r secrets always dark accordin to u??
i agree d nite ka funda..post midnight...n my tounge is all loose ;)
post sunset is supposed to be the time when your heart largely takes over your mind.You feel more than you think.thats why you feel like sharing..you need to see a friend.hence,any usual day starts with the upbeat present,ends with a tint of past :)
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