Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Click 1 - Hibiscus

This is a Hibiscus or Shoe Flower as we used to call it when we were kids. I tried to google why its called so but couldn't really figure it out. So incase you have a clue do let me know. This was clicked recently in a garden nearby.
Click the picture for an enlarged view. You'll enjoy it better.


Suresh Kumar said...

May be the person who saw them got hiccups when he saw it...
In kannada it is called beautifully as Dasivala or sumthing....

Metallica bhakt! said...

Mention the camera used na !

Dhandal said...

All the pictures that i will be posting are shot by Canon S5 IS unless otherwise specified :)

Nqw do you want me to mention the Histogram too? :)

nands said...

The snap is good, but may I know why that name on bottom-right corner? Does it indicate possessiveness?

Dhandal said...

Name in the bottom right corner indicates copy rights. And it also means that the pics clicked by me.

anand said...

kaunsa garden???

Moon said...

The petals of hibiscus flower, in olden days, were used to polish shoe hence the name shoe flower..It is, now, used to make black dyes. :D