South Mumbai was doomed with terror attacks at the late hours of Wednesday. More than seven high profile locations including The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, The Oberoi Trident, CST station, Cama Hospital, Cafe Leopold were targeted. It is believed that the armed men are holding dozens of hostages specially the US & UK passport holders at these hotels.
The old wing of Taj Hotel was rocked by 5 to 6 blasts and enormous black smoke rose from the century old building.
Naval commondoes and Rapid Action force personnel have joined in the operations to rescue the hostages at the two hotels along with the Army commondoes. A.N Roy, police commissioner of Maharashtra state said that the terrorists have used automatic weapons and 2 sten guns have been recovered so far.
The Police said that 4 suspected terrorist have been killed at 2 different locations and 9 arrested. The firing also claimed life of 11 police officials including that of the Anti Terrorist Squad Chief Hemant Karkare.
Top executives from leading corporates like Hindustan Unilever (HUL) and Ispat Industries were confirmed to be at south Mumbai's prominent hotels, holding crucial business meetings when these hotels were attacked by terrorists.
It is learnt that HUL's top managing team, including chairman Harish Manwani, MD & CEO Nitin Paranjpe, director (finance & IT) D Sundaram, executive director (legal) Ashok Gupta and executive director (HR) Leena Nair were at the Taj Mahal Palace & Towers, where they had come for a dinner meeting.
u report business loss over here...but no count of lives lost!!!
xams cacelled!!....england threatening to cancel cricket tour!! much in 1 night!!!
This is the statement being made on behalf of Hindustan Unilever Limited
We wish to confirm that the Unilever Group CEO Mr. Patrick Cescau, the Unilever CEO-elect Paul Polman and the HUL Management team including HUL Chairman, Mr. Harish Manwani and HUL CEO Mr Nitin Paranjpe, who were at the Taj Hotel (Mumbai) yesterday, had left the hotel last night (November 26th) itself and they are all safe and accounted for.
Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by these unfortunate events.
For any more clarifications do email at
anand was only bothered about match.england threatening it seems!! It shud read England threatened and they leave :P
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