Sunday, March 02, 2008


March is the season of Birthdays and u'll find more and more birthday posts this month. Its so weird to know that some of my close friends were all born in the same month, most of them the same year execpt a few. the list is really long. almost very day is a celebration day for one or the other friend of mine.
Akshay, Abha, me all three of us were born in a span of less than a week. wonder its a trouble time when we are together..
many of them are in different parts of the world and some old friends still stay in the opposite buildings.
i'll surely come up with my bday wish list in a few days now...that would be really helpful for all u guys when it comes to gifting ;)
march is also exam time and rite now i m in the middle of my second year finals. so i shud get back to books now!

Happpy Birthday to the endless list!!!!!



Anonymous said...

march used to be the worst time 4 b'days...with no time to celebrate...just preparation for xams...some of u r still stuck with the same routine...not me anymore...
am free to celebrate my b'day!!...hurray

Dhandal said...

yes i know!! exams used to keep us occupied.. but my bday always falls either a week before or after the exams!!
anycase i manage to celebrate it ;)

Sharvari said...

now dat d exams are over... u can build on bday wish list... i ll give u an idea for d first item...TAX next year... wat say???

simply me! said...

oh yea march is full of b'days...hey guess wat i am sure of ur birthdate..!