I know I know its been some days now that Rapport has finished and I hav not blogged about the last two days of it…… the 5th and 6th day…the finale of Rapport 2006…the most awaited event coming to a stand still…..
The last two days consisted of the jackpot events…..
Day 5 was preety much good…not too rocking nor too thanda….
Ooh I bet ppl who are not Podarites will surely regret of not coming to watch the western dance finals on the 5th day. Songs of Shakira, pyaar ka signal, aaj ki raat, rocked the audi….. most of the events took place in the audi itself…preety much only the main group events were left…..we gals literally rocked the floor that day…as we were somewhere far from the stage we, specifically I couldn’t see much of what was going on on the stage and therefore I and my other gal friends shook our legs on the floor where we were….. And mind you only we girls… aah those guys were too much… there were soo damn aakdu....no not really.....they were just feeling shy and akward I suppose…hehe….Pooja remember the dialogue that I said at that point of time “5 beautiful girls, 3 handsome guys but all 3 boring and unhappening”….hahaha…I cant control my laugher….but …but...but…they proved me wrong …absolutely wrong but the next day. Better late than never, rite?….….i had threatened them that if they don’t dance on the final day they will hav it from me…..and they kept their promise…and Achintya, he is too innovative I must say…hehe..he found out such a novel ideal of dancing by just gracefully walking on the red taped line on the floor…remember guys?? And Rohit??? He took me by surprise…..had never ever thought had he wud even make an attempt to shake his body but he rocked the floor along with Jayshree….haha…besides myself, Pooja, Alisha, Jayashree, Rohit, Achintya, Hrudyesh (m I forgettin ny1??) really enjoyed ourselves……
Ooh ya Abha was literally on her toes..as in she was running about to get down with her photography event……
After having sweat a lot in the packed audi we came out…after failing to convince everyone Rohit finally agreed to accompany Abha with a franky along with Jayashree and Pooja. And a slush with me and Jayashree. Ooh and did I tell u that I won he Best Worst Singer? So from then on I had vowed to entertain my friends and so guess wat I did???…I made some poor guy copy the Podar Song lyrics written on the board and I started my tape recorder… hehe…and that poor soul Rohit…so much I tried to make him undersand wat the actually tune of the song was he couldn’t get the sur or taal out of my singing…..so basically the worst and best singers were trying to tune their vocals together…..and u can only imagine the outcome…..
After the whole event was wrapped up the ‘gang’ went to Garnish, a restaurant in Matunga. Its far from our college and we walked it down only cos some enthusiastic idiots didn’t want to take a cab……
After having a nice dinner we walked it to our college all over again…may be it was the nostalgia that drew us thr or as Abha puts in her blog “something tht only she (abha) and alisha know abt as to why they were heading towards coll again.”
10:30 we left the college premises after seeing some of our seniors shed loads of tears in the audi……..
A wonderful, memorable event of our lifes which came to the end……..but this was the best way our year 2006 could come to an end..rite guys???
What awaits for us in the future at the same time of the year is mystery…….. Rapport ki jay ho!!! Rapport zindabad!!!
hmm........nice one......btw u did miss out karthik, gangar,dedhia,gloria....u missed out 4 peole darling.add them on....
ooh my apologies!!!!
guys u r added on....
kartik, glo, ganger, dedhia...
hey ppl not fair...
i write like 1000 odd words ever post on rapport...n u guys drop in to say nice one???
not happening....
comment ur experiences yaar....
i guess the place is too small for posting my xperience........just the way u wrote to abha..i write to u....."rapport 2006 is one of those xperiences that i will keep close to my heart all my life"...and dude i mean it!!!!
hey andy...really cool 1...4 reasons close to me..rapport 2006 wont be forgotten for whatever reason...nd ofcourse i salute ur eye for details!!!
nice pic...
BAKWAAS !!!!! .....
Anti Rap ......
i know its u....but i dont know why u hav become anti rap???
reading such a lousy blog 'bout rapport ...
actually convinced me to become anti podar .....
oh ....
and also convinced me to not read such lousy blogs henceforth .....
hahahahahahh ....
do u get it ms.dhandaal ??
or should i say ...
ms. hotline ??
ooh kartik....dont giv me such a lame n "lousy" reason....
-ms.hotline ;)
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